Python | How to Create an Empty Function?

Python | How to Create an Empty Function?

In Python, a function is a block of code that performs a specific task. Sometimes, you may need to create a function with no implementation, often known as an “empty” or “dummy” function. This type of function serves as a placeholder and allows you to define a function without actually writing any code inside it. In this article, we will learn how to create an empty function in Python with some examples.

Creating an Empty Function

To create an empty function in Python, you can use the pass keyword. The pass statement is a null operation that does nothing when executed. It is commonly used as a placeholder when a statement is required syntactically but no action is necessary or desirable. Here’s the syntax for creating an empty function:
def my_function():
In this example, we define a function named my_function() that does nothing when called. The pass keyword is used as a placeholder to indicate that the function body is intentionally empty.

Adding Arguments to an Empty Function

You can also include arguments in an empty function definition if needed. Here’s an example:

def my_function(arg1, arg2):

In this case, the function takes two arguments arg1 and arg2, but the function body is still empty.

Using an Empty Function

It is common to create empty functions when you are defining a function that you plan to fill in later with more code. This allows you to create the function skeleton with the appropriate function signature (arguments, return types, etc.) without needing to write the implementation code immediately.
Here’s an example of how you can use an empty function to create a custom function that you can implement later:
def calculate_sales():
    # This function will calculate the sales, 
    # but the implementation is not yet defined

# ... later in the code ...

# Implement the calculate_sales function
def calculate_sales():
    sales = 0
    # code to calculate sales
    return sales
In this example, we first define the calculate_sales() function as an empty function using the pass keyword. Later in the code, we implement the function and define the actual logic to calculate the sales.


In conclusion, creating an empty function in Python is a useful technique that allows you to define a function without writing any code inside it. This is particularly helpful when you need to create a function with a specific signature that you plan to fill in later. By using the pass keyword, you can create an empty function that will serve as a placeholder until you are ready to implement the function.

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