QR Code Generator GUI in Python

QR Code Generator GUI in Python

In this post, we will see how to create a QR code generator GUI apllication in Python.

For creating the QR code generator GUI application we will be using pyqrcode and tkinter modules of python. tkinter module is used For making the GUI. This is a built-in module in python so no need to install it explicitly.pyqrcode module is used to create the QR code. This module needs to be installed explicitly on your system because this module does not come up with python already.
For installation:

pip install pyqrcode

Run the above-given command in your command line for installing the given python module.

Checkout this post : Simple QR Code Generator in python before go through this post.

Let’s see the Implementation:

# Importing given module to this program
import pyqrcode

# import all from tkinter
# to this program
from tkinter import *

# import messagebox widget
# to this program
from tkinter import messagebox

# Define a function for generating
# the QR code for given input text
def generateQR() :

    # Get a text from enterTextField
    # entry box using get() method

    # String which QR code need to create
    inputString = enterTextField.get()

    # Scale value
    scale = enterScaleField.get()

    # if scale is not given as input
    # then bydefault scale value
    # set to 5
    if len(scale) :

        # Handle Exception
        try :
            # type cast string into integer
            scale = int(scale)

        # type cast not possible then handle
        # exception and show error message
        except :
            # Error meassage will shown on screen
            # using showerror() method of
            # messagebox widget
            "Scale should be integer value ex: 1, 2 , 3 ..")
            # return back to the main
    else :
        # set default value of scale
        scale = 5
    # if input text field is not empty
    # then we will create QR code
    # otherwise show error message
    if len(inputString) : 
        # Generating QR code object
        # using create() class of
        # pyqrcode module
        qrCode = pyqrcode.create(inputString)
        # creating the save path for QR code 
        savePath = "C:\\Users\\hp\\OneDrive\\Desktop\\" + inputString + "_"  + str(scale)
        # Save this qrCode object as a svg file  
        # at given location with scale 4 
        # using svg() method of qrCode object.
        # Scale attribute determine the dimension
        # of svg image created.
        qrCode.svg(savePath + ".svg",
                    scale = scale)

        # Save this qrCode object as a png file  
        # at given location with scale 4 
        # using png() method of qrCode object.

        # For using this png method,
        # you must install pypng module first
        qrCode.png(savePath + ".png",
                    scale = scale)

        # Success meassage will shown on screen
        # using showinfo() method of
        # messagebox widget
        "Your QR code is generated and save at this path :"
        + savePath + ".png/.svg")

    # Error meassage will shown if input
    # text field is empty
    else :
        # Error meassage will shown on screen
        # using showerror() method of
        # messagebox widget
        messagebox.showerror("Error", "Text field is Empty")

# Define a function for clearing the 
# contents of text entry box
def clearAll() :

    # Clear the content of entry
    # box using delete() method
    enterTextField.delete(0, END)  
    # set focus on the given entry
    # box using focus_set() method

# Main code
if __name__ == "__main__" :
    # Create a window container
    window = Tk()
    # Set background colour of window 
    # container using configure() method 
    # with background attribute
    window.configure(background = 'light green')
    # Set the configuration of window
    # container using geometry() method
    # width X length

    # Set the title of window container
    # using title() method
    window.title("QR CODE GENERATOR")

    # Create a label using Label() widget
    enterTextLabel = Label(window, text = "Enter Text",
                   fg = 'black', bg = 'grey')

    # Placing the widgets at respective
    # positions in table like structure
    # using grid() method

    # Place this widget in grid at (2, 1)
    enterTextLabel.grid(row = 2, column = 1,
                        sticky ="E", padx = "10",
                        pady = "10")
    # Create a label for : Enter Scale
    enterScaleLabel = Label(window, text = "Enter Scale",
                   fg = 'black', bg = 'grey')

    # Place this widget in grid at (2, 4)
    enterScaleLabel.grid(row = 2, column = 4,
                        sticky ="E", padx = "10",
                        pady = "10")

    # Create a text entry box 
    # for filling or typing the information
    # using Entry() widget
    enterTextField = Entry(window)

    # Place this widget in grid at (2, 2)
    enterTextField.grid(row = 2, column = 2, sticky ="E",
                        ipadx ="60", pady = "10")

    # Create text entry box for : Enter Scale
    enterScaleField = Entry(window)

    # Place this widget in grid at (2, 5)
    enterScaleField.grid(row = 2, column = 5, sticky ="E",
                        pady = "10")

    # Create a Button and attached 
    # to  function using Button() widget
    generateButton = Button(window, text = "Generate",
                    bg = "red", fg = "black",
                    command = generateQR)
    # Create a Clear Button and attached 
    # to clear_all function 
    clearButton = Button(window, text = "Clear",
                  bg = "red", fg = "black",
                  command = clearAll)
    # Place button widget in grid at (3, 3)
    generateButton.grid(row = 3, column = 3)

    # Place button widget in grid at (4, 3)
    clearButton.grid(row = 4, column = 3, pady = "5")

    # Start the window,
    # waiting for events and
    # updating the GUI. 

QRcode generator

QRcode generator output

 png image: 

QR code

 svg image: 

QR code svg
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